Customizing desk.html to create a fancy webpage

Hello everyone,

To Do: To create a customised html landing page from desk.html only (desk.html is present in frappe app).

Issues Faced: While customizing the desk.html in frappe app, my changes are reflected for only 2 seconds after which they disappear and frappe erpnext’s default desk.html page loads.

Tried Workaround 1:
Created a custom app only for design. Consider app name is DesignApp.
So, right now the DesignApp has empty css and js folder?

Help needed: After lot of trail and error, I am stuck in app_include_css, app_include_js as well as web_include_css and web_include_js files.

Includes in :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Q1: Which html file should I go to change it ?


include js, css files in header of desk.html

app_include_css = [“/assets/designapp/css/designapp.css”]

app_include_js = [“/assets/designapp/js/designapp.js”]


Q2. Which of these needs to be uncommented? And linking should be done where?

include js, css files in header of web template

web_include_css = “/assets/designapp/css/designapp.css”

web_include_js = “/assets/designapp/js/designapp.js”

include js in page

page_js = {“page” : “public/js/file.js”}

hooks: plays an important role ultimately.

Finally, Please do not advise me to use frappe erpnext’s website Page/ web form/web page.
I want to achieve this via coding in desk.html only
( Tried this:

to hide frappe desk page and display my custom webpage.
Problem faced here: landing page is empty but links are not working such as
"a href=“desk#Customer/List” is just showing reference link in url but not taking to the doctype.

Valuable Explanation required regarding:
After making custom app for UI/UX purposes, how and where to link it.
I have already referred the files of erpnext and frappe apps.

Thank you in advance.

Hi @kumar404,

Have you found solution?

Installed bdtheme app .
BDtheme provides a good interface for users on all screens (desktop, Laptop, Tablet and mobile).
You can get bdtheme from github and free to use.
Hope, it looks good and getting rid of old default UI/UX.