Customizing in Sales Order

I have created both Standard Selling and Standard Buying price list for an item (Shown in the below image )

Standard Buying for an Item( Shown Below)

Standard Selling For an item ( as below)

I have Considered Rate in Standard Buying as Cost price and Rate in Standrad Selling as Sales Price.
Now i am able to get the Standard Selling price in Sales Order as it will be displayed in " Currency and Price List " Table.

How Can i get the Standard Buying price of the same item in the sales order.
What custom script i need to add.
can i solve this by adding custom fields. Suggestion please.

@jithendra Make generic feature for Cost Price.
See buying price will not always cost price, It will not include any taxes, shipment charges or any transporter loss.

Here are some open issues.

If you want to add custom script, you can use frappe.client.get_value to fetch Buying Price in Sales Order

	        method: "frappe.client.get_value",
	        args: {
	            doctype: "Company",
	            fieldname: "default_letter_head",
	            filters: { name: },
	       	callback: function(res){
	          	if (res && res.message){
                         cur_frm.doc.letter_head = res.message.default_letter_head

Thanks for the Reply @kolate_sambhaji

Yes indeed, i will be including the taxes for the Selling price.

How can i figure out that i will fetch from right price list. (please refer to the screen shots ).

As, the same item has two price list and the " Item Price " form has same fields (only change is check boxes )
I want to fetch " Rate " field from " Standard Buying " and not from the " Standard Selling ".

Can u Elaborate @kolate_sambhaji{
method: "frappe.client.get_value",
args: {
doctype: "Company",
fieldname: "default_letter_head",
filters: { name: },
callback: function(res){
if (res && res.message){
cur_frm.doc.letter_head = res.message.default_letter_head

In above script, you need to mention doctype price list, filter name: Standard buying, and filed name price list rate.
check this script on browser console.

Thanks for the reply @kolate_sambhaji
I want one more filter because i have so many items and i want to pass the item name from Sales Order form only.
How can i give that filter name

Filter is dictionary, you can add it is:
“filters”: {
“price_list_name”: “Standard Buying”
“item_name”: “Asset”,
“is_group”: 0,
“company”: d.company_name