Cutted last letter Pdf

Hi everyone,

Please help me. I created print form and added html to the “Terms and Conditions Details” field and in the html I used “word-wrap: break-word;” and when I open “Pdf” a lot of time I have lines where last letter is cutted.

Can you share your code.

Yes, of course


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I tested it worked fine for me. Can you share the screenshot of where you are adding this code and in which type of print format?

Hi, thanks for your helping

I used standard print format and open “pdf”

What version are you using? I tested on latest one, it worked fine.

I use
ERPNext: v7.1.0-beta
Frappe Framework: v7.1.0-beta

so I think I should update my ERP, thanks for your help

You are on latest already. But the UI looks different. Mine looks something like this.

Just try bench update again.

Yes, I know I press “Edit as Markdown” when I add “HTML”, it is not correct? I used HTML because I need add some information in table and I am not sure that it is possible to add table in the Text Editor.

oh ok. It still works fine for me. :frowning:

May be share the whole terms and condition code. I will try that out.

Here <div><p style="margin-bottom: 8px; text-overflow: ellipsis; word-wrap: break-w -

Thank again for your help

Yeah I could replicate it, some issue with PDF generation. Just add a right margin to the outer div like this <div style="margin-right: 20px;">

Ok, thanks but I need size from right like 15mm and if I add this(margin-right) it will be bigger… but anyway I think it is a better solution. Thank you very-very much!

Make it 10 instead of 20 or even try less if it works.