Data of one site is showing on the other site

I have multiple sites on my bench but the data of one site is showing on the other site. Let’s understand with example. I have 5 sites running on my bench. I made print format in one of them and after that I created 6th site on my bench with xyz name. The print format show up in the 6th site also. Not only print format but also custom doctype is being shown to me on other sites.

How to resolve this, even I did ‘bench update --reset’ command and got the latest version but still the problem was not resolved.

Thank You.

Every site runs on a separate database. You will see print formats and DocTypes if you have pushed them in your App.

I have also faced this issue when running multiple sites and apps on a single bench, where one site’s details override another site’s.

This issue occurs when you’re in developer mode and accidentally choose the incorrect options.

For example, in a custom print format, you might mistakenly leave the module selection on default instead of selecting the appropriate custom app module. Additionally, if you select the “Is Standard” option in this setup, here’s what ERPNext and Frappe will interpret:

“I am in development mode.”
“The developer has designated the module as ‘Accounts.’”
“The developer has classified this print format as ‘Standard.’”
“I should therefore integrate this into the code at ERPNext/Accounts/Print Formats.”

I am completely confident that if ERPNext and the site_config.json are configured correctly, ERPNext will not behave in this manner. Otherwise I never will trust in ERPNext to manage my business!

Many Thanks for all the replies.
I checked that developer mode was on in one of my sites and the print format of that site was being shown in the other site.
But the custom doctype created in the site had its developer mode off. But the module we chose was manufactured Maybe because of that I am getting shown on other sites as Custom Doctype.
Now kindly suggest how to resolve this issue.
I did ‘bench update --reset’ and even tried the latest version, it still didn’t solve the problem.
Your suggestions are highly appreciated.

After the doctype / print format / pages are installed on the database, of another site, the best option is delete that doctype.

But check on the code base if it’s not there!

for example

find ./apps -name "my_doctype_name.json"

The doctype name should be in lowercase with _ as separator