Is there any code/snippet in client side scripting that allows us to evaluate what day of the week has been selected. I want to throw a validation anytime a delivery note is created with a weekend selected as day.
How can i do the same.
Any help will be much appreciated.
You can use
var d = frappe.datetime.user_to_obj(frappe.datetime.get_today());
var weekdays = new Array(7);
weekdays[0]= "Sunday";
weekdays[1] = "Monday";
weekdays[2] = "Tuesday";
weekdays[3] = "Wednesday";
weekdays[4] = "Thursday";
weekdays[5] = "Friday";
weekdays[6] = "Saturday";
var weekday = weekdays[d.getDay()];
Hello @max_morais_dmm
I need to use getDay() or weekday() to know the name of the day for the date, and the date is configured as Date Time field type, I am passing it from javascript to .py to use it there with getDay() or weekday() but it is giving the below error.
But, if I configured the time as now = frappe.utils.now_datetime()
, then I can use getDay() or weekday(), it seems there is a problem related to Date Time field type !
How I can overcome this? And why the getDay() or weekday() only work with frappe.utils.now_datetime()
and does not work with Date Time field type?
def get_customer_subsc(date, party_type, party, docname=None):
post_date = date
now = frappe.utils.now_datetime()
frappe.msgprint(“The day of the post date is {0}”. format(post_date.getDay()))
frappe.msgprint(“The day of the post date is {0}”. format(post_date.getDay()))
AttributeError: ‘unicode’ object has no attribute ‘getDay’
@bghayad Python date objects are quite differently of JS Date objects
from frappe.utils import getdate
def get_customer_subsc(date, party_type, party, docname=None):
postdate = getdate(date)
print postdate.weekday()
It worked fine and wonderful. Thank you a lot.
It seems the structure of the Python date differs than the structure of the JS date.