I would love to see if any one has fresh install erp next 12 on debian 10?
I just fed up with bitnami VMs.
I would love to see if any one has fresh install erp next 12 on debian 10?
I just fed up with bitnami VMs.
Do you want a VM or an install script? I have created a VirtualBox using debian 10 and ERPNext 12 using this script
I need a VM with erp next 12 installed to debian 10.
much appreciate
OVA file format also fine.
I will upload the .ova file to my server later today and post the link. It is approximately 2.2GB, so it may take a while
Much appreciate.
I have fed up with bitnami ready-made VMs
and I would love to see the OVA file.
Hello everybody.
i would also have been interested in a VM with erp next V12
I have created a blank/empty ERPNext v12.0.8 install on a clean/minimal Debian Buster 10 base.
The .ova to import into VirtualBox is very big (~3GB), since I did not do any optimisation (yet), but I have uploaded it to my personal blog. The download takes about 20mins on a 25MBit line.
It is based on this manual install post that I mentioned above - where you can find the method/ports/required users/passwords etc.
I can offer absolutely no guarantees about whether it will work for you - it does work 100% for me if that’s any consolation. It has everything normally required to get your system working. Please CHANGE all the relevant passwords and ports to suit your own needs as the current ones are public knowledge from the article!
It is at the point where you usually do your GUI setup and contains only the default installation info - 0% customised/configured.
Thank you for this! Will try to run this in my virtualbox and report if any irregularities
I have installed to vmware workstation. boot up normally.
Need to change IP address to access.
Any help here?
Finally it worked in static ip.
Need to configure DDNS.
Any one ready to support?
Do you mean DynDNS or do you mean DHCP?
Using ERPNext Virtual Machines by
You will need Oracle’s Virtual Box to use the image (You can also use any other VirtualBox Manager):
Import the .ova file into VirtualBox. Though the default settings of the appliance should be good enough for most users, you may need to change them if you face performace issues.
The virtual appliance uses ubuntu-18.04.2-server.
The virtual appliance comes with a site with ERPNext installed on it
The credentials of the virtual image are:
username: hassan
password: hym123
mysql-root-password: hym123
Once the Virtual Machine boots, use your HOST operating system’s browser and go to:
and login using:
user: Administrator
password: hym123
Download Virtual Machines
I will try this and let you know the status.
Using ERPNext Virtual Machines by
You will need Oracle’s Virtual Box to use the image (You can also use any other VirtualBox Manager):
Import the .ova file into VirtualBox. Though the default settings of the appliance should be good enough for most users, you may need to change them if you face performace issues.
The virtual appliance uses ubuntu-18.04.2-server.
The virtual appliance comes with a site with ERPNext installed on it
The credentials of the virtual image are:
username: hassan
password: hym123
mysql-root-password: hym123
Once the Virtual Machine boots, use your HOST operating system’s browser and go to:
and login using:
user: Administrator
password: hym123
Download Virtual Machines
What’s the root user name and password?
username: hassan
password: hym123
Root;. hym123
hym123 for user name “root” is not working
Root. Hassan pass:hym123