Default report and list views


I am looking to customize the list and reports default views for sales orders, purchase orders, quotations etc. with adding the items codes or names. I’ll explain my needs to see if this is the right solution or if there is something else I can do.

I ask for quotations for 1 item and sometimes it stays at this stage, no order is made immediately. Then few months later, I want to see if I made a quotation for this particular item but of course I don’t remember the quotation reference but I know the name of the item. How can I search if a quotation has been made?

I have 4 questions:
1- My solution is to add a column in the report view to be able to search for it with filters. Is it the right way?

2- Is there an quickest way to do it than to add a filter “item code” 'like" (because I dont want to type/remember the whole product code which can be long) and validate?

3- I managed to add this column in the report view but not to add the item code to the list view. Is that possible and how?

4- How can I set the report view as default? If I customize the report view with the admin account or any other account, this customized report view is available only for that specific user and I want it to be viewable by every user, as the default view. This is the same for every list/report view. How to change a customized view to default for everyone?

Thanks for your help!


To check if Quotation has been converted into Sales Order, you can create report on Sales Order from Report Builder. In this report, you can set filter based on quotation item and quotation id (if you remember it).

After selecting required columns and filters in the report builder, you can save it as Custom Report. This report will be accessible to other users as well (if they have permission on Sales Order report).

Check following link on how you can create custom reports in ERPNext.

Thank for your answer.

The thing is that I don’t want to create custom reports but modify the default report view (icon on the left side).

About the list view, I tried to tick the “in list view” box from the customize form" page but I have the following error:
‘In List View’ not allowed for type Table in row 8

I guess it is because it is not the item code but the whole table… But how can I display juste the item code in the list view?

Actually you don’t need to show the item code in the list view. What you need a quotation to search by item, that you can do by adding filters for item code. You can use filter by “Item Name” or “Item Description” as well, if you dont know the item code.

Adding item in list view is not a good idea, because in that case there will repeated rows for same quotations based on different items.