Default Tax Template

One well meaning feature is actually turning out to be very annoying. If there is no Default Tax template and you add a new one in, the new one saves as the default? If the user notices it, s/he can change it, else the operator (which could be a different user than the one setting up the template) gets all messed up about why some other Tax structure is being automatically fetched in a transaction.

Is there any way to turn off this feature?



No, it will not add it to default tax template.

Can you reproduce this? Please share steps to reproduce.

Hi Saurabh,

This is when I have this problem. There should not be a Default Template
already. If you try to modify an existing template or create a new one, and
save the template after modification or creation then the template becomes
the default. If you notice it and uncheck the default box and save the
template again, it gets saved without being the default, but then the
problem occurs the next time you work with templates.

It’s an annoyance, not a show stopper, but it would be great if you guys
can fix it. I there is small routine well meaning routine that checks if
there is a default template and if no, helpfully saves the template being
worked upon as the default. Me thinks you just have to disable this routine.

