Delete Spam Leads

Is there an easy way to delete spam leads? v13.0.2 (version-13)

If the user is confirming the spam leads. Add a new status to lead called spam lead. Filter all the spam leads and delete together.

the problem on deleting spam leads.

Cannot delete or cancel because Lead [CRM-LEAD-2021-00692]/Form/Lead/CRM-LEAD-2021-00692) is linked with Contact at Row: 1

then after deleting the contact
still need to delete the communication

before you can finally delete the lead. any other workaround on this?

hi, the same situation here.

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cant do bulk delete of spam leads because " Cannot delete or cancel because Lead [CRM-LEAD-2022-00329 is linked with Contact [kimnie] spam at Row: 1

Exactly. Introduce a new status “Trash”. Filter the list to exclude all Leads where status equals “Trash”. Save your list filter for future use.