Delivery note and purchase receipt

is there a way to give default warehouse for items when we make delivery notes and purchase receipts,if we have 2 or more items on one delivery note or purchase receipt we have to choose one by one and its time taking so if there is apossiblity to make default warehouse please for one delivery note or purchase receipt?
note: the feature is available on stock entry!

-On Item form, If you enable “Maintain Stock” then “Default Warehouse” field will be displayed.
and you can set warehouse for respective item…

no no am not asking to make a default warehouse for one item but am asking to select a default warehouse when i prepare purchase receipt and delivery note,if you check stock entry its already available.thanks

-If warehouse is set on Item ,then it will take at the time creating Delivery Note and Purchase Receipt
by selecting that item.
-There is no any Default warehouse on both form.