I would like to know if restriction is possible using depends on field.
I have 2 Custom Fields
Type and Class.
Type Select List
Class Select List
- Shirt
- T-Shirt
- Jumper
- Jeans
- Trouser
If I select Type = Top, Then Class will be visible but only with 3 selection option instead of 5
When I select type= bottom then class will be visible only with 2 (jeans and trouser)
I have done eval:doc.type==‘Top’ but what should be the restriction command to only display the first 3 option like elseif statement.
Just wanted to know if this is possible through gui or else will have to write custom script.
Here based on stability conditions selection, I changed dropdown options in child table.
Parent Doctype = Stability Study Report
Child Doctype = Stability Study Result
frappe.ui.form.on("Stability Study Report", {
stability_condition: function(frm,cdt,cdn){
if(frm.doc.stability_condition == "Accelerated Stability"){
frappe.meta.get_docfield("Stability Study Result", "month",
cur_frm.docname).options = "Initial\n1 Month\n2 Months\n3 Months\n6 Months";
frappe.meta.get_docfield("Stability Study Result", "month",
cur_frm.docname).options = "Initial\n1 Month\n2 Months\n3 Months\n6 Months\n9 Months\n12 Months\n18 Months\n24 Months\n36 Months";
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Thanks alot.
This gave us the idea.
Got it sorted.