Deploy local frappe builder site on production using app

Hii @surajshetty

We have build one site using frappe builder in local bench
So which is better option?

  • Custom APP
  • Direct create on live site

If we are working directly on the live site, how should we handle updates? Should we make changes directly on the live site whenever updates are needed?


Must use Custom App option.

Your work (build site) will be saved after updated

The main challenge is managing the website’s files—how will we handle asset management?

Like images?

Yes images and other files(builder uploads)

Images you can save in the directory of custom app

when you push your custom app to github
then git will handle the version of all files.

If I upload images using drag and drop, they are automatically uploaded to the ‘builder upload’ folder on the site by default. And file path needs to be updated in the code each time.

Any one help on this? Please

@Darshit_Patel The recommended way is to directly create pages on live site. Pages won’t be available unless you hit publish. Also, changes/updates to your published pages are not reflected unless you hit publish again.

You can also maintain a draft version of your page till you are ready to publish with different route (/draft/landing). Once your page is ready, you can just update the route and make it live.

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Thank You @surajshetty

what if we have multiple machines i.e. stagging, pre-prod and prod machines with same configurations?