Deploy Running Endlessly - 10 days and still running!

Dear Frappe Cloud Team,

Deploy commenced in a bench hosting Version 15 series. I forgot to mark “skip failed updates”.

However, the deploy is struck and it’s been open for almost 10 days. Neither is the deploy able to force close nor is there any time-out related hard-stop.

Can we build any control to check such recurrences and address this? Of course, root cause as to why this happens is also important.

Screenshots attached.



You can open the support ticket at Login (


Divyesh Mangroliya

Dear Mr. @mangroliya

Thank-you. Will take it up in the ticketing portal. Thank-you for guiding.

I believe, the domain admin or the FC admin should have the right to auto-assign and auto-create a ticket from this - if it’s a bug or an issue which needs to be fixed. Whether a customer raises it or we do, I believe issue has to be addressed.