[Design Request] Middle East Payroll and HR

The world is changing fast, and while in every country there are “imposed laws”, these might also leave a certain leeway to live according to different religious and/or cultural habits. So some enterprises in EU / USA might be able to make contracts for work relations and engagements according to middle eastern habits and desires, at least to a degree.
There also is a freedom to choose contractual obligations, so for this reason, too, people can choose the type of work relations they prefer. Again, to a degree. There are e.g. humanistic considerations which bind people in a country, and well considered, they might not differ that much between different cultures, after all.

Also, there are indeed places in the EU where people already voted to have muslim (or middle eastern, as you seem to rather call the subject) mayors.

So, it’s not really black-or-white, I suppose, and currently things seem to evolve fast.

Who knows, maybe the osmanic system of letting culturally similar people manage certain societal affairs on their own, might provide a useful model in certain regions even in the EU. I met many people who would like to see this happen.

There are academic chairs where people do the work of comparing legal systems. These can also be part of curricula of historic or intercultural studies.
So your question touches a subject which I’d consider relevant in today’s time in the EU and/or USA.

In Saudi Arabia, end of service is calculated according to the conditions
It depends on the number of years, months and days
Also, with the addition of the remaining balance of vacation days

Gratuity Years = [(1 * 0) + (4 * 0.1666)](Arrear + Basic)
Gratuity Months = [(10 * 0.1666)]
(Arrear + Basic)
Gratuity Days = [(22 * 0.1666)]*(Arrear + Basic)

Gratuity amount = Gratuity Years + Gratuity Months + Gratuity Days

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