Developer Branch: Delivery Note, Company and Sales Invoice Error


Since last update the console shows this error when I try to see delivery notes or any of the documents informed in the title:

Any ideas?

I think you have a custom script that tries to access that field but it is undefined/null/empty

Hello @johnskywalker,

Unfortunately not, this happens on delivery note, sales invoice, company, and they don’t have any custom script.

This started to happen after a bench update. But Thanks anyway.

Maybe try doing bench update again. And may I know which branch are you on?

I’ve been doing this since the error 6 days ago.

The version I’m using is:

ERPNext: v8.x.x-beta (d0ac0bd) (develop)
Frappe Framework: v8.x.x-beta (4203ebd) (develop)

I do not use this on production.

I think it would be better if you switch to master… Just a suggestion


Thanks for not reading the last sentence on my previous post.