Disable “Assign To” feature for particular user in some doctypes

what permissions should i use to disable any feature from the widget that contains the “Assign To”, “Shared With”, and “Followed” for some users in some doctypes .

for example :
is it possible that i disable the “Assign To” feature for particular user in some doctypes.

Hi @hayyan_daood,

Using a custom/client script then it is possible but without a script, I think it’s not possible.

Thank You!

Try this using custom scripts

frappe.ui.form.on('DocType', {
    refresh: function(frm) {
        if (frappe.user.name === 'username' && frm.doc.__islocal) {
            frm.set_df_property('assign_to', 'read_only', 1);
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thankyou rahul .

i tried this code and it worked just fine .
if (frappe.user.name == ‘username’) {
const collection = document.getElementsByClassName(“form-assignments”);

      //  frm.set_df_property('assign_to', 'read_only', 1);