Here is the scenario, my item amount is 100 which is tax rate inclusive with 15 % which means the item price is 86.96. so when i apply discount percentage as 10% it is taking the 10% of 100 rather than 86.96. How can i achieve this discount amount calculation based on net_rate rather than price_list_rate in the sales invoice item table. Any solution for this customisation?
Any one have idea on this customisation?
Have you tried Discount on “Net Total” option while applying discount?
hy pawan thanks for your reply. Actually i am taking about item discount percentage on inclusive tax rate not additional discount percentage. Any idea on that?
here is the screenshot
Hello Community, Any body have any idea on this calculation in sales invoice? the issue is on making a sales invoice on tax included price if we add an item discount on item that tax amount calculated on the basis of price list rate. which has to calculated on the basis of amount after discount. The scenario is mentioned above. the tax rate has to come 8.696 after discount but here the discount added on item for tax included rate is not effected or not subtracted in tax amount.
Where can i find the code for this customization? I have tried the files from public js and other controllers.
I have made changes in the files transaction.js, taxes_and_totals.js and sales_common.js but the changes are not effected in the application.