[Discussion] Ability to System Manager / Administrator to hide Learn Module / Helps

Hi there,

any chance to allow Administrator / System Manager to hide Learn Module and Helps (both menu and in modules), for other Users?

Would be possible to remove Website Setting and others setting not strictly needed from Role: All?

Ability to hide particular item menù if not needed.

Some reason to hide:

  1. Not all users understand english, so it would be confusing

  2. Learn Module doesn’t take in account enabled modules, so user would get wrong infos.

  3. Help on modules doesn’t take in account DocType Enabled

  4. Both Learn and Help doesn’t take in account any customization made in both ERPNext and Frappe code

  5. Most of the user are not “that skilled”, so they want/need to see only the few things they are able to do.

That said, i’m able to customize the code, but it is overwritten on every bench update …and that’s kind of frustrating.

Open to any solution and contribution in order to have it done …


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Please create a github issue for the same.

Ok, i’ll open it

@ArundhatiS done …
