I had just noticed there is Press “GitHub - frappe/press: Full service cloud hosting for the Frappe stack - powers Frappe Cloud” and Agent “GitHub - frappe/agent: Works with https://github.com/frappe/press”. I’m not sure what’s the usage. Do I need subscription eg. “ERPNext” to use Press?
It seems like a normal frappe app. (See: frappe_docker/docs/custom-apps.md at main · frappe/frappe_docker · GitHub)
The usage seems to be to install multiple instances of frappe, you don’t need it if you just want to use erpnext.
Try to install it like any other app and see what happens.
Hi @adamtang79,
No the code of these application is licensed with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0, so you don’t have to subscribe anywhere to read/understand/use/change/distribute it.
The fact is, you should have solid technical knowledge and time to make it operational.
This is the result of the real open source spirit promoted by Frappe, for what I admire and thank them. They publish, with real open source license, most the code they use.
Press is the pillars behind FrappeCloud.
Agent, I don’t know, seems to be a monitoring server/site app
The fact is, like in the kitchen, it’s not because you have the recipes, that you’ll be able to serve the complete menu. You’ll need to technically and deeply understand how it works.
What is your goal with this question ?
I asked the question because confused with frappecloud.com and mentioned “frappe” “cloud” inside “GitHub - frappe/press: Full service cloud hosting for the Frappe stack - powers Frappe Cloud”. So I thought need to subscribe frappecloud.com plans then only can use Press.