Do you know how and where the Ordered Qty is calculated in the Stock Projected Qty report?


I want to understand how the ordered quantity is calculated on the Projected Quantity Report

After migrating from v11 to v14, I still encounter a bug in the Projected Quantity Report:

I cannot figure out which table in the database is used to count this quantity.

I initially thought it was the Purchase Order Item table with the column received_qty, but after updating, the ordered_qty is still present.

I’ve been checking the code, but since I’m not very experienced with Python, I can’t identify the issue.

Can you help me, please?

Problem Solved, I updated the table: tabBin

I updated columns:

  • ordered_qty
  • projected_qty

my SQL request was :

UPDATE tabBin 
SET ordered_qty = 0, 
	projected_qty = actual_qty
WHERE ordered_qty > 0