Doctype List View Issue

Hi Everyone,

Please Help Me out on this!!!

For a Particular User, Specific Doctype list view is not showing and defaultly filter is applied.If i removed those Filter in doctype it seems to be doesn’t shows list view even for System Manager Role for a particular User.

Hi @Pradeep_Manoharan,

Could you explain more about the problem you’re facing? It would be helpful if you could provide details or a screenshot. Also, let me know which version you’re using.

Hi @NCP ,

Thank You for Replying…I have a User with all Major Roles.For that user specific doctype list view is not visible.Please find attached Screenshot…Version 14

Hi @NCP ,

I have attached Another Doctype View…On this List View Button is Visible for that User

Hi @Pradeep_Manoharan,

Please give read/write permission for Field Officer Activity via Role Permission Manager.

Thank You!

Hi @NCP ,

I Have Given all those Permission for that User Read/Write/create.


Please provide a screenshot of the role permissions manager to the Field Officer Activity role for the user.

Hi @NCP ,

Consider Two Users here.One is me and Another user is and you have same Roles.But for you,can able to see the list view of Field Officer Activity for me i can’t…Please find the Screenshot

has User an All role (System Manager, Legal-External, and Business Head)?

Hi @NCP ,

Yes, that user have all the Roles.


Hmm :thinking:,

If you’re the system manager, you can see all kinds of details. Just double-check your role in the user list. If there’s a problem, refresh the page (Ctrl + Shift + R) and see if it’s resolved. If not, consider migrating or updating to the newest version of 14.

Thank You!

Hi @NCP ,

yes i have checked and reloaded so many Times but its not working…


If not, consider migrating or updating to the newest version of 14.

Hi @NCP ,

Thanks for your Guidance…

Could you go to that list page from the use who can’t see any documents, press F12 and look into the console if there are any errors?
Share a screenshot if you see and red text/errors.

Create another user with the same roles as this one and see if even that user can’t access any of the documents here.

From the admin login try to assign & share a document in the “Field Officer Activity” to the user who can’t see any documents in that doctype. Then login with that user and see if the shared document is visible.

Check if any user permissions have been given for this user which prevents him/her from viewing any fields in this doctype (thereby not being able to access any of the documents).

If even after all the above the user still can’t view any documents, check if any custom scripts are interfering with this list view (via the networks tab in developer tools, F12).

Hi @Void_Moon ,

I have Created the user by giving same roles but for that user can be able to see the list view and there is no User Permission for that user but in Console there is some error…
filter.js:288 Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘on’)
at frappe.ui.Filter.bind_filter_field_events (filter.js:288:21)
at frappe.ui.Filter.make_field (filter.js:283:8)
at frappe.ui.Filter.set_field (filter.js:261:9)
at frappe.ui.Filter.set_values (filter.js:168:12)
at frappe.ui.Filter.setup (filter.js:129:15)
at frappe.ui.Filter.make (filter.js:76:8)
at new frappe.ui.Filter (filter.js:11:8)
at frappe.ui.FilterGroup._push_new_filter (filter_list.js:219:16)
at frappe.ui.FilterGroup.push_new_filter (filter_list.js:191:21)
at frappe.ui.FilterGroup.add_filter (filter_list.js:163:25)
bind_filter_field_events @ filter.js:288
make_field @ filter.js:283
set_field @ filter.js:261
set_values @ filter.js:168
setup @ filter.js:129
make @ filter.js:76
frappe.ui.Filter @ filter.js:11
_push_new_filter @ filter_list.js:219
push_new_filter @ filter_list.js:191
add_filter @ filter_list.js:163
(anonymous) @ filter_list.js:144
Promise.then (async)
(anonymous) @ dom.js:269
frappe.run_serially @ dom.js:267
show @ base_list.js:9
show @ list_view.js:36
frappe.views.ListView @ list_view.js:26
make @ list_factory.js:30
show @ factory.js:25
render_page @ router.js:302
render @ router.js:281
route @ router.js:146
await in route (async)
push_state @ router.js:453
Promise.finally.frappe.route_flags @ router.js:350
set_route @ router.js:344
frappe.set_route @ router.js:524
(anonymous) @ awesome_bar.js:110
dispatch @ jquery.js:5430
c1.handle @ jquery.js:5234 @ awesomplete.js:504
select @ awesomplete.js:282
click @ awesomplete.js:117