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After bench updating from upstream/development, I got this error. How can I fix this problem?



Hi @cipher

Can you please provide some more information about an error.
When you are getting this error?Specific form or dashboard?Any error on console log?If yes kindly provide it

Thanks so much for your reply. There is no any error appeared in the console. However, I have fixed this problem by

bench switch-to-master
bench update --patch
bench stash apply
bench watch

And everything seems working perfectly. I think it probably happened from I used development branch to update the existing production system, didn’t I?

Could you please let me know how can I stash apply to a specific files referring to the list in

git stash show -p



Use git checkout file_path
For example
git checkout erpnext/setup/doctype/email_digest/
It will stash all the changes made in

Have you did any customization in your account?

Thanks so much for the solution. Exactly I have some customization to some files, consequently I have to make stash before updating. Actually I’m confused about the process of git stash. Can you guide me what happens if I customize some code into a file for example,

File old version of

Line 1 : code_syntax#1
Line 2 : code_syntax#2
Line 10 : code_syntax#10

after that I customize at line 2

Line 1 : code_syntax#1
Line 2 : code_syntax#2 (customized)
Line 10 : code_syntax#10

and then I need to update ERPNext version using → git stash

bench update --patch

Just in case the new version of from the branch is changed some other lines, what does it occur if I use

git stash apply

to file

Does it overwrite everything in to the older customized version or how does it manage the inside code?
