DocType's Default Filtration on Module Page

How can i filter doctypes in module page,
like for Sales Invoice, it redirects to Sales Invoice, but i need something like Paid Invoice, Unpaid Invoices,
When i click on Paid Invoice, it should redirect me to the Sales Invoice with Paid filter applied.

check below code.

	"type": "doctype",
    "name": "Sales Invoice",
    "label": "Paid Sales Invoice"
	"type": "doctype",
    "name": "Sales Invoice",
    "label": "Unpaid Sales Invoice"


To filter out records for a DocType, you need to add the filter to the link, pointing to the record list. Do do this, you need to use the link property of the module description dict in theitems array:

For example, to point a module entry to http://localhost:8000/desk#query-report/item_stats?item_type=IT001 you need to add "link": "query-report/item_stats?item_type=IT001" line to the item description dict.


def get_data():
    return [
            "label": _("Item stats"),
            "items": [
                     "type": "report",
                     "name": "Item stats",
                     "is_query_report": True,
                     "doctype": "myapp_item_info",
                     "label": _("Full item stats"),
                     "link": "query-report/Item%20stats?item_type=IT001",

There might be a way to do this using only the UI without writing any code, but I’m not aware of it.

@igrekus Thanks buddy. :+1: