Document creation and submitted info

Hi There,

How do we find the following information about a document in ERPNext?

  • Creation Date
  • Who created it,
  • Date it was submitted
  • Who submitted it

We have a query report from version 3 which uses the table ‘tabFeed’ for such information. See below report. How do we get above information in the latest version of ERPNEXT?

tabPurchase as “Company”,
tabPurchase as “Purchase Invoice:Link/Purchase Invoice:120”,
tabPurchase Invoice.posting_date as “Posting Date:Date:100”,
tabPurchase Invoice.bill_no as “Bill Number”,
tabPurchase Invoice.bill_date as “Bill Date:Date:100”,
tabPurchase Invoice.supplier as “Supplier:Link/Supplier:120”,
tabPurchase Invoice.due_date as “Due Date:Date:100”,
tabFeed.modified as “Approved On:Date:100”,
(select concat(’ ‘, tabUser.first_name, ifnull( tabUser.last_name, ‘’ )) from tabUser where = tabFeed.modified_by) AS “Approved By”,
(select concat(’ ', tabUser.first_name, ifnull( tabUser.last_name, ‘’ )) from tabUser where = tabFeed.owner) AS “Created By”,
tabPurchase Invoice.fiscal_year as “Fiscal Year”,
tabPurchase Invoice.currency as “Invoice Currency”,
tabPurchase Invoice.grand_total_import as “Grand Total:Float:100”,
tabPurchase Invoice.grand_total as “Grand Total (local):Float:100”,
tabPurchase Invoice.outstanding_amount as “Outstand Amount (local):Float:100”

tabPurchase Invoice, tabFeed
tabFeed.doc_name = tabPurchase
and tabPurchase Invoice.docstatus = 1
and tabFeed.feed_type is null
order by tabPurchase Invoice.posting_date desc

Another question, do we audit trail functionality in the latest version?
Thanks in advance.

@mayur_hotmail that same report should work for version 5 tool.

“Audit trail” is too broad. You need to list specific features.

The report is not returning any new invoice that are submitted in the latest version. It is because the feed_type is set as Label. In the older version the feed_type was set as NULL. What does feed_type of Label indicates? Thanks.