Document Naming Series Setting

We are using ERPNEXT14 for our very small business and it was working fine. We have set naming series for all the documents i.e. Purchase Orders, Sales Orders, Sales Invoices etc. Our Common pattern is to have Doc Name i.e. PO followed by Financial/fiscal Year i.e. 2023-24 and 3 digit serial number i.e. 001. hence we have set the naming series “PO.FY.###”

After updating to v14.31.3, fiscal year is not working in naming series. We already have issued many tax invoices with our series i.e. SINV2023-24001 which are also registered with GST portal. as per GST guidelines, the invoice series shouldn’t be changes in mid of fiscal year but the naming series in ERPNEXT is no more considering “.FY.” as a valid argument.

although there is a work around to situaiton by manually naming the series i.e. by putting PO.2023-24.### but then we need to do the same for all the doc types. moreover, at the end of fiscal year, we’ll need to do the same practice again to update the naming series of all the documents. whereas having Fiscal Year .FY. as a valid argument for Naming Series, it could have been done by changing the Fiscal Year in Accounting Module itself.

can anyone suggest where can be re-activate this feature in ERPNEXT14.

@TRACKOMATIC_INDIA This should be fixed via fix: FY in naming series variable for orders by deepeshgarg007 · Pull Request #36229 · frappe/erpnext · GitHub
Please update your site with the latest changes and then check

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Is this really fixed? Still facing the same issue even in latest version erpnext 14.39.0 and I think some discussions are happening here and here

Hi @kreativbytes and @Deepesh_Garg

The Problem is not fixed. if you have a backup from previous versions of ERPNext (While the FY was a valid variable) and you restore that backup to latest version of newly installed ERPNext, then the FY variable works in Naming Series.

However, if you install the ERPNext a fresh with latest version and wish to start from scratch by entering the data, then FY is not working as a valid variable for Naming Series as it has been removed from the Global Defaults, which was there in earlier versions.

You can try to install a specific version of ERPNext 14 (upto ERPNext 14.20, FY Argument was working) if you wish to have this functionality.

I hope it will help.


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@TRACKOMATIC_INDIA Thanks for the update and workaround. Hoping to get a fix soon though. @Deepesh_Garg Also wondering if other date related issues have something to do with this default Fiscal year removal. For instance I am getting error while trying to access employee leave balance report and it throws TypeError: get_leave_period() missing 2 required positional arguments: ‘from_date’ and ‘to_date’

Hello Everyone,

Just to add on the latest update on this topic.

We Installed the Version-15-beta of ERPNEXT and the Naming Series Setting is Working Perfectly Fine there.

Waiting for EPRNext - 15 to be released officially and will post the final status.