Does anyone know why print in reports doesn't display?

Uncaught TypeError: frappe.utils.is_empty is not a function
at query_report.js:1485:22
at ()
at frappe.views.QueryReport.get_filters_html_for_print (query_report.js:1481:5)
at frappe.views.QueryReport.print_report (query_report.js:1407:29)
at query_report.js:1653:32
at print_utils.js:69:4
at Object. (messages.js:104:4)
at HTMLButtonElement. (dialog.js:192:20)
at HTMLButtonElement.dispatch (jquery.js:5135:27)
at HTMLButtonElement. (jquery.js:4939:28)

Update the version and check it. because we tested with all type of report so we haven’t found the issue in the print.

Thank you for your response @NCP . It works in my local but in the production and staging it doesn’t display the print from reports. Is there any settings for this? Thanks for helping

These are errors that I have receive @NCP . I can’t locate the issues, and I haven’t modify the reports… Please help

not sure about that, but bench build --force and check.

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Thanks @NCP . Already solve this case