Does it matter if purchase invoice is entered after Stock entry?

I encountered this situation:

Stock in hand - Variation of stocks (this happens when I don’t put an opening stock when creating an item, and have Update Stock checked when entering a purchase invoice paid)
Stock received but not billed (this happens when I put an opening stock number for an item, but only enter the purchase invoice paid with no Update Stock checked, it will automatically generate an amount in Stock received but not billed. No variation stock is entered.)

A) Should and is there a way I can put the stock FROM Stock received but not billed TO Stock in hand?


B1. Create a New item with Opening Stock 10, valuation rate 0. Then Create a purchase invoice with Item buying price of 2.33$ and set quantity 10. Do not check Update Stock.
B2. Create a New item with No opening stock and no valuation rate. Then Create a purchase invoice with Item buying price of 2.33$ and set quantity 10. Check Update Stock.

Q: Will B1 and B2 perform the same and will not show difference in balance sheets and cost of goods?
Does it matter if purchase invoice is entered after Stock entry?