DOMException: Storage

Hi all. I have just been testing our ERPNext instance which we are planning to be migrating to fairly soon and I have noticed that I am getting a DOMException stating that the value for STorage has exceeded its quota whenever I open some doctypes (including but not limited to Material Request and Timesheets). Any help that can be provided towards solving this would be greatly appreciated.

Below is the error message pasted from my console:

DOMException: Failed to set a named property on 'Storage': Setting the value of '_doctype:Material Request' exceeded the quota.
        at Object.callback (
        at Object.success [as success_callback] (
        at 200 (
        at Object.<anonymous> (
        at i (
        at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (
        at z (
        at XMLHttpRequest.<anonymous> (

seems your browser storage is full, clear storage or try different browser to confirm

Thanks. I’ve just tried in another browser and ended up with the same exception.