DropBox Allow access

i delet the old setting and make new one but now i cant see app key or password

Assuming you have not noted these you may need to renauthenticate with Dropbox to obtain these once again.


how to reauthenticate erpnext with dropbox without
able to type secret key
i dont show the field to type the keys

Contact Dropbox to issue you another key, then reenter that.

Rather than type the key just copy and paste.

This should help https://erpnext.org/docs/user/manual/en/setting-up/integrations/dropbox-backup

ERPNext writes those values to site_config.json.

This example thread gives details [V7] Dropbox Backup Error

In retrospect to save a copy of your site_config.json would have save you some effort to restore your DropBox settings…

Actually i am wondering because my dropbox was working fine a week ago
and suddenly stop to work

the steps which i follow trying to fix the problem all failed
the steps as follow.

  1. remove dropoxkey and dropbox pass from site_config.json
  2. remove Dropbox app and create a new one with new pass new key even new token
  3. make a new dropbox account with new email - new app - new key,secret,token
    and put all the new mix in my site_config.json

But fail

There is my new setting .

and this is my


frappe@erpnext:~/frappe-bench/sites/erp.fastgrp.net$ cat site_config.json
“access_token”: “",
“db_name”: "
“db_password”: “*******",
“developer_mode”: 1,
“dropbox_access_key”: "
“dropbox_secret_key”: "


Note: i added access-token and test and i removed the access-token from my site_config.json
in both cases i cant click Allow access

Note: i also bench restart

to be sure that every thing is updateted

i dont know what is prevent the authentication and make it wrong

Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/frappe/frappe-bench/apps/frappe/frappe/app.py”, line 55, in application
response = frappe.handler.handle()
File “/home/frappe/frappe-bench/apps/frappe/frappe/handler.py”, line 21, in handle
data = execute_cmd(cmd)
File “/home/frappe/frappe-bench/apps/frappe/frappe/handler.py”, line 52, in execute_cmd
return frappe.call(method, **frappe.form_dict)
File “/home/frappe/frappe-bench/apps/frappe/frappe/init.py”, line 907, in call
return fn(*args, **newargs)
File “/home/frappe/frappe-bench/apps/frappe/frappe/integrations/doctype/dropbox_settings/dropbox_settings.py”, line 54, in get_dropbox_authorize_url
request_token = sess.obtain_request_token()
File “/home/frappe/frappe-bench/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dropbox/session.py”, line 216, in obtain_request_token
response = self.rest_client.POST(url, headers=headers, params=params, raw_response=True)
File “/home/frappe/frappe-bench/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dropbox/rest.py”, line 322, in POST
return cls.IMPL.POST(*n, **kw)
File “/home/frappe/frappe-bench/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dropbox/rest.py”, line 260, in POST
File “/home/frappe/frappe-bench/env/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/dropbox/rest.py”, line 235, in request
raise ErrorResponse(r, r.read())
ErrorResponse: [400] u’v1_retired’

Full disclosure here - sorry I am not a DropBox setup expert :slight_smile :slight_smile:

If you update your host environment too, that may help?

sudo apt-get update

Your bench restart should clear caches, but those are worth a try -

bench clear-cache
bench clear-website-cache

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Some clues here? Dropbox API v2. Will this change affect current fuctionality? - #7 by fkardame

Other thoughts -

  1. The json and gui display access_tokens are similar but do not match - also maybe not wise to share them here!?

  2. Setup a separate fresh ERPNext instance to test DropBox setup?

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Thank u dear for advice

i deleted the credential and put ***

and i am still searching for a way to solve my integration problem

i added
OAuth 2
Redirect URIs


But also fail

even i contacted to the Dropbox team and this what i got

They said they cant do any thing and i have to contact erpnext developers

Specifics please in what way? A traceback, or message or check the logs for clues - you will find them here

frappe@erpnext:~/frappe-bench$ ls -alt logs/

can you switch to v8.x.x branch, dropbox should work there

is it better to upgrade to version 9 .
does the Dropbox is working there ?


If you do not have any custom apps upgrade should be easy.
Always keep frappe and erpnext up to date.
Dropbox works on latest release.


  • Try upgrade on separate server before running bench update on production server.
  • Use bench backup --with-files to keep database and files safe.
  • In case of patch error. report the patch error on github
  • Note down versions of frappe / erpnext / bench and other apps e.g. erpnext_shoppify

thank u dear revant for your advice.

sheno kolate_sambhaji’s video illustrates exact steps to follow Setup dropbox backup [User Manual] - #8 by Raghuzor

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it fails also dear

In what way - check the logs for clues?

i follow the video step by step and didnt click allow access
and just clicked save and waiting the backup now button to display

but it didnt

so i decide to click on allow access but i got that error as usual .