Duplicate Purchase Receipt on Batch not visible


Not sure why the source document is being tracked. Since a Batch once created can be reused in multiple transactions of the same type (like you can make as many purchase receipts for as many quantities as you like for the same Batch), I think the Batch DocType captures the first transaction that uses the Batch.

Any particular business need as to why you want to generate a list of all documents that transact the batch? Maybe there are other ways of getting the information you need.

Hope this helps.



Hi Jay,

thank you for your response.

The requirement we have is the following:

We would lik to create batch should at purchase order level. We then attach several documents (beeing the specifics connected to this batch) to this batch.

Once the purchse arrives we need to be able to track differences between the specific data from thos documents and the actual data from the purchase revieved. To do this it would be helpful to have hard links from all the transactions towords this batch.

As we where testing to pull information from the transaction (beeing purchase receipt) we noticed that this hardlink is only created when auto-generating batches on purchase receipt level. And only then. This then made us thing why these links are not represented in the dashboard of the docType batch as it is quite obvious that many purchase receipt for one batch can occure.

Have a nice weekend!

Hi Wolfram,

Are you saying you are going to specify the batch at the time of the PO on the supplier. Wow! You guys are doing one heck of a traceability initiative. Then you want to attach documents specific to the batches - like Certificates of Conformity, Test results, etc.

And then you want to see the deviations between what you wanted and what was sent just so that you can get and complete the documentation for new batches that got added?

A SQL or Query report that compares up the PO and the expected batches and the linked Purchase Receipts and the actual batches that were received should help you accomplish your business objective.

Hope this helps.



Hi Jay,

yes, in this procejt it is all about the traceability. It has it’s focus on the food industry in which regulations are pretty tight. Also they are working on a international market where we need to concider several countries legal requirements.

I will have my developer create a PR to get the references for the Purchase Receipts into the dashboard of the DocType batch. I will custom script the link to PO. Maybe that might follow as a PR at a later point in time. I guess for planing and controlling purpose it does make sense to make batches BEFOR the goods arrive.

I guess I would built that SQL query under some klick-button which will initiate the query and just give a “pass” or “fail” at first.
