Duplicating Core "Project" Doctype for Customized Service Management

Hello ERPNext Community,

I’m currently using ERPNext to manage tasks and service delivery for my accounting company. We offer a variety of services, each with a dedicated team, unique delivery processes, automation, and workflows.

To streamline our operations, I attempted to duplicate the core “Project” Doctype, renaming it for specific services while keeping the original “Project” Doctype for general task management. My goal is to retain the same interface, activity tracking, and connections as the original “Project” Doctype, but customize the workflow and boards for each service.

However, after duplicating the “Project” Doctype, the new doctypes do not appear identical to the original. They lack the same connections and activity tracking features inherent in the core “Project” Doctype.

Steps I followed:

Navigated to the Customize Form tool in ERPNext.
Duplicated the “Project” Doctype.
Renamed and customized the new Doctype for specific services.

Issues faced:

The duplicated Doctype does not have the same layout and interface as the original “Project” Doctype.
Missing features like activity tracking and connection tabs.
Unable to retain the same connections to other doctypes.

Request for Help:

Guidance on how to duplicate the “Project” Doctype while retaining all its core features, including activity tracking and connections.
Steps to customize the workflow and boards for each new Doctype while maintaining the core functionalities.

Thank you for your assistance!

That for, you have to create a dashboard for that. please check the code:

Hi @NCP,
Thanks for your prompt reply that will be very helpfull.
please have a question.
since I have a custom doctype, do I have to create a seprate python for it and where to place it.

I just need step by step if possibl eor general answer so I can move further with thi splease

Yes, you have to create a new file for that.

Please check the project doctype structure.

I can see inside the files there’s variables called project do I have to change those values ?

Yes, you can! but you can changes the values according to the doctype and requirements.