Dynamic Label Change Error

I get an error while creating a Sales Invoice:
Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘fieldname’)
at grid.js:1192:56
at Array.find ()
at Ft.update_docfield_property (grid.js:1192:42)
at String. (form.js:1468:37)
at Function.each (jquery.js:391:19)
at frappe.ui.form.Form.set_currency_labels (form.js:1466:5)
at frappe.ui.form.Controller.update_item_grid_labels (transaction.js:1310:12)
at frappe.ui.form.Controller.change_grid_labels (transaction.js:1269:8)
at frappe.ui.form.Controller.set_dynamic_labels (transaction.js:1213:8)
at frappe.ui.form.Controller.set_dynamic_labels (sales_invoice__js:657:9)

In the Items child table, after the field name “(Company Currency)” auto changes as (INR). but in the sales invoice it stays the same as “(Company Currency)” and generates above error.

Any Solution to this?

Solved It.

There was no error in the code. Just in the Items Child Table, I had selected “Item Tax Template” Field to be shown in the list. But “in List View” was not set to 1 in Customization thus it was not in Property Setter. As soon as I removed the column from the Table List View. The Issue was solved.