Dynamic Pages not resolving Jinja variables

Further to my previous related topic

I also battle to use Dynamic Pages as per the documentation at Dynamic Pages

I’ve created 2 files (test-1.py and test-1.html) in the Custom App’s /www/ directory with the following content

import frappe
def get_context(context):
    context.pyvar = "meep"


<p>{{ pyvar }}</p>

However, when I browse the page, the Jinja variable does not resolve

Screenshot from 2024-03-18 17-35-53

What am I doing wrong?
And is the previous topic referred to above related somehow?

i believe because of the file name. just change from test-1 to test_1 for both the HTML and py files

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Thanks so much @akarapol

That solves the problem with the context related to files.
What about the Context on the Web Page, could that be related?

what’s the problem with it?

do you mean this issue?