Dynamic values - Print format

Hello, I did static values of sales invoice in print format but rightnow i want dynamic values in print format means that format i can use for all customer ,so anyoe give me ideas…how to do and what should I do…

Parmeshwar Kadam
contact: 9764131517

Hello @parmeshwar !

Can you explain your situation ? Give us a snapshot of the print format you are trying to achieve ? Or is there a specific result you are trying to achieve

Thanks for response sir…


Sir,I have make static print format but requirement is print dynamic values(data) in the print format…

parmeshwar i still dont get your question. can you give an example situation where you can show you want to do a task X but are not able to get it done ? an example would make it easier for me and others to help you out

Maybe provide an excel sample and mark what you think is dynamic and static…? Because pretty much everything like invoices, orders are all dynamic.