E-Invoice Integration in Erpnext version 14

Hello Everyone,

I want to know if for E-invoice integration in Erpnext v14 we have to take subscriptions for both Adaequare and India Compliance or single India Compliance subscription is enough for integration.

Can anyone help me out with this?

Install India compliance
add/update GST settings

Hlo @Frz ,

Thanks for the reply.

I have already installed India Compliance.

But my question is for E-Invoicing I have to pay to india compliance only or to both India Compliance and GSP Provider Adaequare.

@snv , @Smit_Vora

Any comments on this?

If you are on Frappe Cloud, you don’t have to pay anything.
If hosted elsewhere, you have to buy India Compliance Credits, no other payments.


Same question any answer for this?