Ecommerce ERPnext : Pay with paypal

Hello to all,
I have a problem with the paypal payment.
When testing after confguration for paypal payment on my ecommerce site I have this error:

{“_server_messages”:“["{\"message\": \"Payment Entry ACC-PAY-2021-00001 is linked against Order SAL-ORD-2021-00008, check if it should be pulled as advance in this invoice.\"}", "{\"message\": \"Erreur: Article de la Facture de Vente Ligne #1: Valeur manquante pour: Compte de Produits\"}"]”}

The documentation I followed is as follows. Could someone help me?

Seems like you’re creating an invoice against an already billed Sales Order (Payment Entry against Sales Order), which is why the system asks if you want to treat the Payment Entry as an advance payment.

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