Ecommerce integrations Shopify REST API deprecation

From 1st of April Shopify is going to start deprecating their REST API.

Does anybody know how exactly this will effect the ecommerce integrations app? Is this app even maintained anymore?

See the official post from Shopify:

With the 2024-04 API release, along with the introduction of the new GraphQL product APIs, we are deprecating management of both the variants and options via the GraphQL ProductInput object and have marked as deprecated the /products and /variants REST API endpoints.

Below you can find migration information for public and custom apps built on existing GraphQL and REST product APIs.

Public Apps

All public apps built on existing GraphQL product APIs or REST product APIs must migrate to the new GraphQL product APIs by Feb 1st, 2025.

Custom Apps

Custom apps built using the existing GraphQL product APIs must migrate to the new GraphQL product APIs by April 1st, 2025.

Custom apps built on REST will also need to migrate if they end up needing to support more than 100 variants.

Custom apps built on REST that do not need to support more than 100 variants can continue to use the deprecated REST product APIs, however it is important to note:

-Developers should expect that the GraphQL API will be the only supported API over the long term and will be made aware of these timelines as they become available.

-The deprecated REST product APIs are in maintenance mode; all new features and support will be built only for the new GraphQL product APIs.

-Any merchant using custom apps built with these deprecated APIs will not be able to increase their variant limit past 100.