It’s possibile to trigger an email alert from a submitted Material Request?
Here below my case:
In Erpnext version 7, I’ve created line manager and finance status based on perm level.
Line Manager: approves, saves and Submits the material request and an email is sent to Finance for his/her approval or rejection.
Finance: approves material request (field finance status is previously setted as ‘Allow on submit’), then clicks on Update, but the email alert doesn’t work.
Conditions used are the following:
Thanks for your solution, but I don’t want to create a workflow because I’d like to maintain the original document status, for this reason I’ve created two custom fields.
Sure…And Even when you create a workflow the original document status are still miantained!! but in list view “workfloa_state” is shown and if you want you can display both workflow_state and document status parallely in list view…