Email Alert on PO based on Department

Can we create Email Alert based on department

for example
If an user raised an PO on Marketing Dept ,the HOD of marketing Dept should receive an email alert mentioning the user raised an PO .

Is there is a department field in the Purchase Order, then you can apply a condition on in the Email Alert?

Department is already a doctype in the ERPNext. Perhaps you can insert a Custom Link field in the Purchase Order. And then you should be able to apply the condition on the department field in the Email Alert.

Created an Custom Link in PO;
can you help us the condition format for generating the Email Alert
can we generate with an single email alert policy for different dept

condition should be like:


Same way, you can create multiple Email Alerts for each Department and define email recipient accordingly.

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i added department field in purchase order and apply user permission based on department so only permitted department user can see purchase order of his/her is working fine and i created email alert for sending mail.
but my question is two different user have same role but different department but both receive mail so how i restrict email alert for perticuler department’s purchase order to particuler user.