Email domain connected and account , email says sent but error logs different and i receive no email

This is the error that only shows on errors logs, though my email domain is connected, and my email account is connected but my inbox is empty also, when I send an email I get a sent response but don’t i receive no email on the receiving email .

Traceback with variables (most recent call last):
File “apps/frappe/frappe/utils/”, line 171, in execute_job
retval = method(**kwargs)
site = ‘’
method = <function send_mail at 0x7fae1b3aef80>
event = None
job_name = ‘email_queue_sendmail_15’
kwargs = {‘email_queue_name’: 15, ‘is_background_task’: True}
user = ‘Administrator’
is_async = True
retry = 0
retval = None
method_name = ‘send_mail’
before_job_task = ‘frappe.monitor.start’
File “apps/frappe/frappe/email/doctype/email_queue/”, line 185, in send_mail
record.send(is_background_task=is_background_task, smtp_server_instance=smtp_server_instance)
email_queue_name = 15
is_background_task = True
smtp_server_instance = None
record = <EmailQueue: 15>
File “apps/frappe/frappe/email/doctype/email_queue/”, line 130, in send
with SendMailContext(self, is_background_task, smtp_server_instance) as ctx:
self = <EmailQueue: 15>
is_background_task = True
smtp_server_instance = None
File “apps/frappe/frappe/email/doctype/email_queue/”, line 197, in init
self.email_account_doc = queue_doc.get_email_account()
self = < object at 0x7fae1b1baef0>
queue_doc = <EmailQueue: 15>
is_background_task = True
smtp_server_instance = None
File “apps/frappe/frappe/email/doctype/email_queue/”, line 106, in get_email_account
return frappe.get_cached_doc(“Email Account”, self.email_account)
self = <EmailQueue: 15>
File “apps/frappe/frappe/”, line 1091, in get_cached_doc
doc = get_doc(*args, **kwargs)
args = (‘Email Account’, ‘Business Administrator’)
kwargs = {}
_respond = <function get_cached_doc.._respond at 0x7fae1b1ee710>
doc = None
key = ********
File “apps/frappe/frappe/”, line 1184, in get_doc
doc = frappe.model.document.get_doc(*args, **kwargs)
args = (‘Email Account’, ‘Business Administrator’)
kwargs = {}
frappe = <module ‘frappe’ from ‘apps/frappe/frappe/’>
File “apps/frappe/frappe/model/”, line 74, in get_doc
return controller(*args, **kwargs)
args = (‘Email Account’, ‘Business Administrator’)
kwargs = {}
doctype = ‘Email Account’
controller = <class ‘’>
File “apps/frappe/frappe/model/”, line 106, in init
self = <EmailAccount: Business Administrator>
args = (‘Email Account’, ‘Business Administrator’)
kwargs = {}
class = <class ‘frappe.model.document.Document’>
File “apps/frappe/frappe/model/”, line 149, in load_from_db
self = <EmailAccount: Business Administrator>
d = None
class = <class ‘frappe.model.document.Document’>
File “apps/frappe/frappe/”, line 525, in throw
msg = ‘Email Account Business Administrator not found’
exc = <class ‘frappe.exceptions.DoesNotExistError’>
title = None
is_minimizable = False
wide = False
as_list = False
File “apps/frappe/frappe/”, line 493, in msgprint
title = None
as_table = False
as_list = False
indicator = ‘red’
alert = False
primary_action = None
is_minimizable = False
wide = False
sys = <module ‘sys’ (built-in)>
out = {‘message’: ‘Email Account Business Administrator not found’, ‘title’: ‘Message’, ‘indicator’: ‘red’, ‘raise_exception’: 1}
_raise_exception = <function msgprint.._raise_exception at 0x7fae1c70d750>
_strip_html_tags = <functools._lru_cache_wrapper object at 0x7fae1a8a62a0>
inspect = <module ‘inspect’ from ‘/usr/lib/python3.10/’>
msg = ‘Email Account Business Administrator not found’
raise_exception = <class ‘frappe.exceptions.DoesNotExistError’>
strip_html_tags = <function strip_html_tags at 0x7fae1de4ac20>
File “apps/frappe/frappe/”, line 442, in _raise_exception
raise raise_exception(msg)
inspect = <module ‘inspect’ from ‘/usr/lib/python3.10/’>
msg = ‘Email Account Business Administrator not found’
raise_exception = <class ‘frappe.exceptions.DoesNotExistError’>
frappe.exceptions.DoesNotExistError: Email Account Business Administrator not found

Hi @Brian_Richard,

It seems Email account with name Business Administrator is not exists on your site. If it’s already exists once check if it’s correctly setup or not. Check Email Account documentation.
