Email Inbox - How to change status to closed?


I have an e-mail (tagged as a Communication) that does not require a reply.

I tried to change the status to “Close” so it does not show up as an “Open” communication.

However, permission is denied for doing this, with “Insufficient Permission” listed as the reason.

Does anyone know how to fix this? Thank you in advance!

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You can define user permission for Communication.

Hope this helps.

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Thanks for your reply! It seems the “write” permission does this, but also allows all of the other fields to be editable.

Do you happen to know what permission will only allow the document status to be changed, but not allow the fields to be edited, etc?

Can you specify which permission allow users to “close” communications.

Communications create lots of notifications which are not wanted.

Still searching for an answer

I have exactly same issue, did you find any solution?