Email setup on erpnext local ubuntu desktop

everyone it’s quite some time now I started learning linux ubuntu when I came across erpnext. Now I’m a very basic ubuntu user as well as erpnext. I could manage to install erpnext on my local ubuntu desktop now but stuck at sending email from it. Can anybody just give me clues how can I setup email from erpnext on local ubuntu desktop.

This forum looks like very responsive and some I’m hopeful to get some hints. …

You will have to set email account

Hi Revant_one

Thanks for your help. I tried to follow your hints-

I’ve installed and Configure Postfix as a Send-Only SMTP Server on Ubuntu desktop 15.04. When I tested the smtp installation with: echo “This is the body of the email” | mail -s “This is the subject line”, all the emails are passed through and received at the desired email a/c. and then I set my gmail address for default outgoing email in erpnext. emails are still to passed through. some where they’re getting lost.

Could you pls help me…

Is POP Enabled in your gmail account?
I’m using gmail from google apps and it is working fine.

I tried using self configured mail server to send mail. It also worked with settings:- server:localhost, port 25.

Thanks for your suggestions. But I tried both setting up smtp and with Gmail but none of these working for me. Could u pls show me step by step…



From the awesome bar, go to Bulk Email list and check if the status is “Sent”.

Thanks for your reply.
Nothing/Empty in the Bulk Email list.
Further Reference from other postings:

  1. Scheduler Log also checked at setup>System setting.
  2. Output of bench doctor:
    ewel@…:~$ bench doctor
    Workers online: True
    Pending tasks 0
    Timed out locks:
  3. Output of sudo supervisorctl status:
    ewel@…:~$ sudo supervisorctl status
    [sudo] password for jewel:
    frappe:frappe-web RUNNING pid 4860, uptime 18:48:13
    frappe:frappe-worker RUNNING pid 4859, uptime 18:48:14
    frappe:frappe-workerbeat RUNNING pid 4867, uptime 18:48:14
    node-socketio RUNNING pid 1589, uptime 18:52:08
    redis-async-broker RUNNING pid 1588, uptime 18:52:08
    redis-cache RUNNING pid 1590, uptime 18:52:08

Pls help.

What message do you get when you send email from the user interface?

Which version of ERPNext are you using?

I’m not sure about the version. But I belief it’s latest version that i installed this month by easy way installation.


On the desk, click the installer icon. There you will find the version number

Erpnext version: 6.4.6
Frappe framework version: 6.4.7

Do you get any message when you send email from the user interface?

heyy anand, i have prolem in incoming mails

Not sure about user interface… burp next receives mail from outsid. Only the end mails getting lost.

@jchakma if your Scheduler Log is clean and Bulk Emails are as “Sent” then the problem might be with your SMTP relay.

I kept trying by reinstalling Ubuntu desktop 15.04 as well as erpnext 6.4.7 again.

  1. setup one gmail a/c as default outgoing and another gmail a/c as default incoming emails.
  2. tried to send/email documents are to reaching to receiver. It’s also not going to “Bulk Email list” that is remains blank when documents are sent.
  3. I could receive mails and send replies from the received emails. in this case receiver receiving the mail. and it’s creating logs to “Bulk Email list”

Mentionable that it’s without installing postfix.

Could you pls help me…

I started from the scratch (not knowing linux os as well as open source) and reached up to here. Hopeful to get through to all the issues and do not want to give up… Pls help… what to do now…

Not all emails go via Bulk Email.

Can you check if all your emails via Bulk Email are being set as “Sent”?

Also share what is your setup? dev / production?

my one is production server.

Could you pls guide me how to check whether all my emails via bulk email are set as sent???

nope no message when the emails are sent

@jchakma ?