Email window (Modal) not able to be scrolled (send Document)

When I want to send a document e.g. an invoice the email popum does not let me scoll down. This is important when you work from small screens e.g. a tablet computer. the behavior occurs in firefox and chrome

so in firefox the scoll bar to scoll the email window is greyed out (see picture below) in chrome the scrollbar is displayed but nor scollable … maybe a Z-axis problem??
Is this a frappe or ERPNext issue? would like to set up the issue on github accordingly…

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it appears that the size of the CSS class “modal-Backdrop” in desk.css affects the useability of the scroll, because if I set

    .modal-backdrop {
       opacity: 0.5;
       position: fixed;
       height: auto !important;

the actrual backdrop ( dark background) disappears, however then I can scroll the modal window

any ideas how this can be solved the correct way?

got it…

a solution could be …


.modal-backdrop {
   opacity: 0.5;
   position: absolute;

waiting for approval on GH

anyway we shift this to GH

Email window (Modal) not able to be scrolled (send Document) · Issue #5485 · frappe/frappe · GitHub

this one here can be closed… cheers