Employee birthday report is not working properly

At frappe 7.2.14 employee birthday report was working properly.

But frappe 7.2.30 Employee birthday report is not working properly.
Casue month dropdown list is not working. There I see that new feature add (role).
By default role have employee, hr manager and hr user and I am login as a Administrator.
Why dropdown list is not working. Previous I did not see role feature at employee birthday report

Hi @arif

After applying filters, you need to click on refresh button.

Hi, @rohit_w,
It is working after click refresh button. But at previous version, it was working without click refresh button

Hi @arif

Previously, every time when user select the filter system call to the server to get the data of the selected filters. It will takes long time to load report if that report has 5 to 6 filter with large database(5 to 6 calls). So now user has to select the filters first and then click on refresh button, it reduces the number of calls to the server.