Employee Check In Time field not coming over API


Employee check In Time was coming on v12, we recently migrated to v14 and same API is not retriving time field

Here is the API:

http://localhost.betalogics.com/api/resource/Employee%20Checkin?filters=[["time", ">", "2022-12-12 00:00:00"],["time", "<", "2023-12-12 23:59:59"],["employee", "=", "HR-EMP-00001"]]&fields=["*"]

Following is the response:

    "data": [
            "name": "EMP-CKIN-03-2023-000003",
            "creation": "2023-03-07 10:50:27.551305",
            "modified": "2023-03-07 10:50:27.551305",
            "modified_by": "attendence.dev@localhost",
            "owner": "attendence.dev@localhost",
            "docstatus": 0,
            "idx": 0,
            "employee": "HR-EMP-00001",
            "employee_name": "John",
            "log_type": "IN",
            "shift": null,
            "device_id": "",
            "skip_auto_attendance": 0,
            "attendance": null,
            "shift_start": null,
            "shift_end": null,
            "shift_actual_start": null,
            "shift_actual_end": null,
            "_user_tags": null,
            "_comments": null,
            "_assign": null,
            "_liked_by": null,

It contains every information except time field.

What time field are you referring to?
Can you share a screenshot of the field as it appears in the document?

Hi, Thank you for the response. Here is the screenshot.

any idea