Empolyee number

when i tried to add new employee, error message showing. employee number required.
where i set employee number

Can you share the Screenshot? or the error in the Console.

actually i have deleted and create the new instance. but now system is asking employee number manually.
second i have have add custom fields but when i tried to add new employee on employee form new customer fields are not showing ?
How to show and use them ? please guide.

Nationality i added but not showing in during new employee addition

If you set the Employee creation to be based on the Employee Number in HR Settings, you need to first add the Employee Number in the Employee Master.

Thank you very much my friend. Yes now system is asking manually emp number, but I need that system generate itself emp no ? how to do this, need your guidance.
Second I did customisation in emp form, like i added civil id and nationality but its not display when i add or edit emp.

Go to the HR Settings and set it.

Employee Naming By → Naming Series

Then reload Ctrl+Shift+R and check it.

Please set it in the visible section or first section and then check it.

There is no idea that there may have been a mistake in the field creation but you have to see.

again thank you very much for given me these three magical combination, it was cahce issue, now all the details are showing.

Boss, I have changed place of issue type in passport details and provided all countries options but when i save this error showed.

You have to set the “Link” field type Link and set the ‘Country’ in the “Option”.

Learn the Field Type.

this error came when i changed data to link and in option selected geo country

You cannot change the field type once created.

when i added holidays, in local holidays system is not showing in the country list, OMAN
How to add oman in the list

Only some countries have holidays available, if other countries are not available then you have to add them manually.

Please create a new thread for new issue.