Encountering Internal Server Error & Request Timeout

Hi everyone, good day.

Problem: When every time we are importing data, we always received pop-up message “Internal Server Error” or “Request Timeout”.

Action Taken: We increased the RAM, vCPUs and Memory.

  • CPU-Optimized / 16 GB / 8 vCPUs
  • 50 GB Disk + 100 GB

Concern: We are still encountering the same issues after increasing RAM, vCPUs and Memory. We already performed performance tuning for Gunicorn Workers. Is there anything that we are still missing to do?

You have to share/show the error screens if you want anyone to assist you

Hi @trentmu, this is the error message.

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Is it possible to show the traceback screen (the console screen from the ERPNext machine)

Hi @trentmu, this is the message I’m getting in console screen.
GET https://erp.xxx.com/socket.io/?EIO=3&transport=polling&t=N2p6Nz6 net::ERR_NETWORK_IO_SUSPENDED