English language not found?

Hello… I’m new to frappe. I’ve installed frappe and created a new site. On the wizard I’ve selected ID as my language. And now I want to change my language to english but I can’t find english on language dropdown… How can I change my language to english?


Have you tried the following keywords: en-GB, en-US?

  1. Click on the user Icon on the top-right corner and select My Settings.
  2. You can see Language field.
  3. Select English
  4. If English not found, go to Language List and search for English.
  5. Enable the language if it’s not enabled


Hi @meigire:

I’ve faced this sometimes. Locate English in Language DocType, make some change (i.e. write a letter on any field and delete), and press Save . After this you will see the language on the search list.

For some reason, English was disabled on my fresh ERPNext installation. I had to go to the language DoctType of English in /app/language/en-US and enable it from there