ERPNext AI resume parser module

So, what if your HR team could automatically extract candidate details from resumes inside ERPNext without any manual work? :anger:
Manually reviewing and entering data from resumes is time-consuming, so I built a cool module that integrates AI with ERPNext to extract structured resume data instantly :handshake:

:pushpin: What does it do?

:page_facing_up: Upload multiple resumes (PDF/DOCX) at once
:dart: AI extracts name, email, phone, skills, experience, education, and languages
:arrows_counterclockwise: Automatically creates a Job Applicant record in ERPNext
:white_check_mark: Works smoothly inside ERPNext’s HR Module with no extra steps

Now, HR teams can shortlist candidates faster with accurate, AI-driven data! :robot:
:movie_camera: Check this out in the video below!

ERPNext frappe #AI #HRTech automation #ResumeParsing #MachineLearning #Recruitment Frappe HR

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