ERPNext and Cloudflare

If you use Cloudflare for DNS and have its features on for your Frappé/ERPNext installation (ie with the orange cloud on), you might face the following problems:

  • Login box frequently missing or disappearing
  • Errors when submitting web form

You want to do the followings:

  1. Turn off Rocket Loader
  2. Bypass cache

You can use Page Rules to set the above for specific subdomain(s).

Will update this as I encounter more Cloudflare-related problems.


Hello everybody,
Jumping on this old subject as I am experiencing the same issue with the login page under Cloudflare, I have followed the above instructions from the previous message but the issue still persists.

Of course, do you think it might take some time until the changes take effect ?

It’s good to know that I am using Cloudflare for both the main domain name as well as the subdomain which is running on a separate VPS from the main domain so I added a Page Rule in Cloudflare for the subdomain.

What do you think ?

LATE EDIT: It is also important to understand that this issue only happens on Google Chrome and Firefox as Safari works excellently.

With respect and appreciation,